How Long Can Frozen Chicken Sit Out

How Long Can Frozen Chicken Sit Out

How Long Can Frozen Chicken Sit Out?

Thawing Frozen Chicken Safely

When it comes to frozen chicken, it is important to thaw it out safely and properly. It’s important to remember that the length of time that frozen chicken is able to sit out of the freezer depends on the temperature of the room or area it is in. According to the USDA, frozen chicken should not be left out at room temperature for more than two hours. If the temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the safe time for thawing frozen chicken is only one hour.

Safe Ways to Thaw Frozen Chicken

Thawing frozen chicken should always be done in the refrigerator, on a plate or in a container. The ideal temperature for thawing frozen chicken is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below. The USDA recommends thawing frozen chicken in the refrigerator for 24 hours. If you need to thaw chicken quickly, you can use cold running water or the defrost setting on a microwave.
Cooking Thawed Chicken
Once the frozen chicken has been thawed, it is important to cook it immediately. The USDA advises not to leave thawed chicken out at room temperature for longer than two hours. The safe internal temperature for cooked chicken is 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken before consumption. Thawing frozen chicken safely and correctly is key to ensuring that it is safe to consume. Be sure to follow the USDA’s guidelines for thawing frozen chicken and cook it immediately after it is thawed.

How Long Can Frozen Chicken Sit Out

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